Introduction to the COLEACP e-Learning Platform

The COLEACP e-Learning training system aims to consolidate technical know-how in export horticulture and agricultural practices. The platform gives you the opportunity to study different themes such as HACCP, the impact of agricultural practices on the environment or the foundations of organic agriculture.

The e-Learning platform was created with the aim of making the content and teaching tools of COLEACP accessible to as many people as possible. It allows us to disseminate our resources in a format available to anyone with an internet access.

Subsequently, the COLEACP e-Learning platform took its full place in the COLEACP training system and the number of users has steadily increased. It makes it possible to widen the offer of continuous training: each beneficiary can have free access and study at his own pace. This learning tool is also used to prepare and select participants for COLEACP training sessions.

The platform proposes 11 themes of different courses:

Organic agriculture
Food safety
Chemical treatment of bio-aggressors
Health risk management
Sustainable agriculture and integration crop management
Ethical production
Crop protection
Regulations and private standards
Safety and Good Plant Health Practices
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


It offers, among others, the following features:

• a progressive course, with 4 levels: introduction, intermediate, advanced, expert;
• a diversity of training activities: texts to read, videos, mini quizzes, certification tests, fun activities (drag and drop, association, true / false …), surveys;
• an offline mode; The offline mode allows you to browse the courses without a current Internet connection, once you have downloaded the content. This mode enables those without a reliable Internet connection to participate in the courses.

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